It is long understood that human beings need nurturing touch to develop healthy bodies, minds, spirits and relationships.  Touch is the first sense to develop and the last sense to leave us at the end of our lives. Our skin is the largest organ of the body and it's our principal connection to the world around us, so our early touch experiences tell us a lot about the environment around us and whether we are safe and loved within it.  

For babies, the power of loving touch from a parent or carer has a myriad of benefits.  It promotes bonding and secure attachment, as well as developing communication skills, stimulating and supporting the health of all of the bodily systems, relieving digestive issues, providing relief from muscular and psychological tension, and potentially improving sleep patterns.

In my baby massage classes, parents/carers are invited to learn the massage sequences developed by the International Association of Infant Massage to promote physical, emotional, intellectual and spiritual well-being. The strokes are taught over the course of five weeks, culminating in a full body massage for baby on the final week. As well as learning the massage strokes, participants will learn to guide the babies through some gentle yoga-based movements and enjoy songs and rhymes to accompany the massage.

Another very important aspect of the classes is the opportunity for parents, carers and babies to meet with other families in the community to build bonds and share support. Therefore, each class ends with a chance to enjoy a cuppa and a biscuit and a chat - an integral and very popular part of the experience! 

Details:  This five-week course is suitable for babies from birth to one year of age. Contact me at for upcoming course dates and for booking details.  

Fee: 150 (includes booklet, oil and refreshments).  Many insurance companies reimburse up to €100.  

What to bring: Two hand towels, a small waterproof changing mat, a favourite toy for baby and anything else you need. 

“Touch comes before sight, before speech.  It is the first language, and the last, and it always tells the truth.” 

Margaret Atwood, novelist.